Workshop: ‘The concept or property and historical growth of copyright as property right’

Presenter: PhD candidate, Nikos Koutras
Nikos Koutras is member of our research team and we would like to host a workshop, 1 July 2015, in the context of his PhD research project (PhD by publication) at Macquarie Law School in Australia. It makes sense to discuss about the history of copyright before OA and this chapter will set the background of context. Thus, in order to understand the significance of OARs it is necessary to know the context of the debate. Therefore, it is necessary to trace the historical development of the concept of copyright as a property right. The continued relevance of the rationales for copyright interests, both philosophical and pragmatic, will be assessed in the contemporary times of digital publishing.
Ενημερώθηκε: 03-04-2015 12:42